
Silmarillion WIPs and sketches I did the other night during a livestream
The last ones were requests (it was a twins night I guess)~
– Feanor, Fingolfin, and Finarfin
– Maedhros
– Maedhros with Elros and Elrond
– Arwen and her brothers Elladan and Elrohir


Another day of aimless wandering. Another dismal night spent under canvas.

Every evening, once the tents were pitched and dinner eaten, Maglor would come and sing them a lullaby to make them sleep. To ensure they got enough rest, he said, for they were growing children. To keep them from waking the whole camp with their nightmares, said Elrond to Elros. To keep them from running, said Elros back.

They wished he wouldn’t but they knew what they were to him even if he liked to pretend otherwise.

“Call me Maglor,” he had told them, on the second day, once he had changed out of his bloody armour and the twins had stopped screaming and sobbing long enough that he could get a word in edgewise. “Or Father. And this is your Uncle Maedhros.” Uncle Maedhros, still dressed in gore-crusted mail, had snorted.

They did not call him Father because he was not their father and because Elrond thought it hurt him that they didn’t, just a little. Maglor they called Maglor and Maedhros they did not address at all, any more than he addressed them. He at least did not pretend and Elros said he liked him better for it. Elrond thought that monsters were monsters no matter the masks they wore.

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